My “digital” journey

Posted on January 28, 2022

Getting into the design and tech industry has been quite a journey for me, with its fair share of twists and turns.

The beginning

My journey in the digital world started in 2009 when I taught myself Photoshop and CSS on my own to make Yahoo! blog themes. As time went on, I delved deeper, picking up skills in PHP, WordPress, and Javascript to create websites and me and friends as a hobby.

From Hobby to Profession

Upon graduating high school in 2013, I found myself at a crossroads. The choice between the artistic and the technical was a tough one, especially since there wasn't a middle ground like Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) readily available in Vietnam at the time. I decided to hedge my bets and applied for both Software Engineering and Graphic Design programs in the college entrance exams. Remarkably, I passed both. Ultimately, I opted for the Design school because I found it more enjoyable and conducive to creativity. Although the curriculum leaned towards traditional graphic design rather than digital media, it equipped me with invaluable skills such as thorough research, critical thinking, and effective presentation of ideas. Along the way, I absorbed design principles, honed my understanding of typography, layout, and animation through a mix of internal coursework and external sources. Despite my focus on design, my interest in programming persisted, driven by the desire to create fully functional interactive products. This skill came in handy during freelance gigs and volunteer projects throughout my time at university.

Broaden My Horizons

After graduating and immersing myself in the world of UX design for a while, I couldn't shake off the feeling of lacking some fundamental tech knowledge. That's when I decided to take the plunge into a second degree, this time in tech, at HCMUS. Currently, I'm navigating my way through this new chapter of my journey. Along the way, my programming skills have seen significant improvement. I've delved into data structures and algorithms, embraced modern front-end technologies like React and TypeScript, and overall, gained a deeper understanding of the tech landscape.